Crew Party
"Nitro Fever" has several crew members and Dave decided it was time to have a social get-together away from work. It was held in the pool area of his home and he cooked up a mass of baby back ribs and fresh salmon, served with all types of salads etc. We ariived back from the Councours just in time for the feasting! Gary Grisel is the crew chief and his father Vern is a hot rodder and drag racer from the 50's and 60's.
Vern is one of those genuine, softly spoken men with a lot of interesting and funny stories to tell. He had us in hysterics relating some of the exploits he and his mates got up to in their younger days in their never ending quest for more speed and greater power.
The conversation soon turned to the rocket cars that ran here in the early days and just how dangerous they were. There were originally nine cars racing, and only two of the racers survived! Most of the problems occured when the EXACT amount of fuel was NOT put in the car. These cars would only stop when they run out of fuel! They were eventually banned in this country. As far as I know they are not banned in New Zealand...sooooooo what do you think guys? We can bring back all the technology from the past if someone's game???
Vern summarized the conversation by stating, "I only like to play with things that have the potential to hurt me" (Seems I know a few people who share that philosophy!)
Main sponser Elton Allred and one of his many 'toys', with crew chief Gary on the left
Vern, Colin, Elsa (Vern's wife) and walking companion.
Vern's green coupe and Dave's red coupe (the one Colin rebuilt last year.
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