Wednesday, May 03, 2006

May 1st-3rd

Colin left for Bakersfield on Monday morning to stay the night at Duanes, before heading down to Steve Curles Tuesday morning. Spoke to him that night and found out the roadster had survived her journey without any bumps or bruises. He'll be there until he gets all the documentation done to make it legal to drive over here...then we'll be cruisin'.

Saw my first live snake for 2006 yesterday. It was on the dragstrip and I nearly stepped on it. Was out walking with Lisa...(the ticket booth Queen) who lives here at the strip. She yelled STOP...SNAKE. Needless to say I froze mid step!
It was only a little one and I was assured it was harmless, so we coninued our walk, although I must admit I kept my eyes down for the rest of the walk.

Have been doing the 1.6 mile stint up the strip and around the return road each morning and night, trying to get into shape for the Taupo Marathon. Even though I managed it last took me 5 days before I could walk upright again, so don't really want to go through that pain again!

My Dean Koontz book is absolutely riviting, and much of my time at present is spent between that and the computer. Will start doing some promotional work next week I think, although Dave is talking about flying us up to his Ranch in Wyoming. It all depends on the weather, and since he's read my book and now knows about Colin's 'apprehension' in planes, he says there's no way he'll let us hop in his little plane unless the weather is perfect all the way.! Very considerate!

The men are packing the big rig with the race car and all the supplies ready for an early start in the morning (Thursday). It's about 7 hours from here to the drags, and we're meeting up with Colin down there in L.A. Guess there'll be a trip to the grocery store this afternoon. I think our crew is the best fed team in the pits...people flock around just to see what we're eating! Whoops...digressing back to food again. Will leave it at that for now!


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